Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Living Under A Rock

Well today is my first time blogging and I'm super-excited about this! I've always kept a journal and I enjoy doing my quiet times and reflecting on what God is speaking to me about. So.....this is awesome. My new friend, Lisa Whittle encouraged me to do this, as well as others and I think it is a fabulous idea. And, afterall, if I want to become a published writer, I have to start somewhere.....

Anyway, the title of my entry today is about how I feel sometimes as a stay-at-home mom. Often, I feel as though I am always the last one to know about things, including current events, the latest fads, and well, even the weather. Also, on a spiritual level, I feel as though there are rocks or "barriers" keeping me from living my faith out the way God intends me to. I prayed this week that God and I take our relationship to a new level and that I really learn more about Him and His Word, and that He would reveal His plans for me and that He would reveal what those barriers are so that they be lifted.....because it is then that I will be able to see His Light shine down on me and give me diretion for my life......because I don't want to live my life simply "existing" and standing on the sidelines. No, I want to be an active participant in my own life. I think He has plans for me. And most importantly I want to be the person He intends me to be. (Thank you Lisa for this insight from your book Behind Those Eyes). I am praying that God shows me the woman He intends for me to be. If I can strive to be the woman God wants me to be and not who I think I should be, then to me I will be living out my life's purpose.

1 comment:

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

i am a good friend of Lisa and as you are too very thankful for her influence on the women of the world today. Congrats on the blogging. Have fun and keep going at it. it is fun!!

love, Leigh Gray